December 9, 2013

Think You’ve Had a Full Career After 30 Years? What About 70!

Recently, I learned that Bill Godward – whose name used to grace the Cooley brand – still goes into the office at age 100! In this podcast, Mr. Godward describes his incredible career – harkening back to an era where it was rare for a company to have any in-house counsel:

– What did you do before you joined Cooley?
– How big were firms back then?
– What types of law did you practice back then? How did dealmaking differ?
– What other differences in the way that lawyers practiced can you tell us about?

Corp Fin Grants First Rule 506 Bad Actor Waiver

In this blog, Steve Quinlivan notes that Corp Fin has granted the first “Bad Actor” waiver to RBS Securities. Join our Reg D email listserv to learn of developments on a real-time basis…

PCAOB’s New Report: Implementation of Engagement Quality Review Standard

On Friday, the PCAOB issued this report that provides information about auditors’ implementation of Auditing Standard No. 7, Engagement Quality Review. The findings include:

– While methodologies generally were consistent with the requirements of Auditing Standard No. 7, they did not always result in an appropriately executed engagement quality review.
– In a number of engagements in which the PCAOB Inspection staff identified audit deficiencies, the staff concluded that the audit deficiency should have been identified by the engagement quality reviewer.
– Observations from the Board’s 2012 inspections indicated that audit deficiencies and the related deficiencies in engagement quality reviews continued to be high.

More on “The Mentor Blog”

We continue to post new items daily on our blog – “The Mentor Blog” – for members. Members can sign up to get that blog pushed out to them via email whenever there is a new entry by simply inputting their email address on the left side of that blog. Here are some of the latest entries:

– Another Salvo on SEC Penalties
– Corp Fin Staff Doesn’t Like “Likes”
– SEC Explains Denial of Whistleblower Award
– SEC Sheds Light on Its Pursuit of “Streamlined” Investigations
– Will SEC’s Whistleblower Awards Lead to More Whistleblowers (& Civil Lawsuits)?

– Broc Romanek