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since 1975.

January 11, 2011

Even More on “The Facebook and Goldman Saga: All About Section 12(g) and Section 12(h) Applications”

I held off on blogging about the Facebook situation for some time as I was afraid that I would never stop blogging about it. And now I have three entries in a week on the topic (see the last one and the first one). There continues to be a number of interesting articles written about it, including:

New York Magazine’s “Lloyd Blankfein’s Secret Facebook Feed” (this one has a fake Facebook feed that is pure genius)
Bloomberg’s “Goldman Sachs Says It May Sell, Hedge Facebook Stake”
DealBook’s “S.E.C. Questions Goldman Sachs on Offering”
Reuter’s “SEC examines rules for private firms after Facebook deal-report”
Bloomberg’s “Facebook May Face SEC Disclosure Scrutiny as Goldman Invests $450 Million”
WSJ Opinion “How Washington Defriended Investors”
NY Times’ DealBook’s “The Legal Issues in the Goldman-Facebook Deal”

Webcast: Towards State of the Art: Scrubbing Your Bylaws, Governance Guidelines & Committee Charters

Tune in tomorrow for the webcast – “Towards State of the Art: Scrubbing Your Bylaws, Governance Guidelines & Committee Charters” – to hear Chris Butner of Chevron Corporation, Bob Messineo of Weil Gotshal, Beth Ising of Gibson Dunn and Rachelle Silverberg of Wachtell, Lipton discuss the latest developments in updating your company’s bylaws, committee charters and corporate governance guidelines, as well as the pros and cons of the various alternatives.

As all memberships expired at the end of the year, please renew if you haven’t yet to catch this program. If not yet a member, try a no-risk trial now.

Recently, we have added sample bylaw provisions in a variety of areas to our “Bylaw” Practice Area. Check it out!

More on “The Mentor Blog”

We continue to post new items daily on our blog – “The Mentor Blog” – for members. Members can sign up to get that blog pushed out to them via email whenever there is a new entry by simply inputting their email address on the left side of that blog. Here are some of the latest entries:

– KPMG’s “2010 International Audit Committee Survey”
– Rumor Has It: The Art of Managing Speculation
– All I Really Need to Know I Learned Reading Escott v. BarChris in Securities Regulation
– In the Spotlight: Reg FD
– Why Non-Executive Chairmen Keep Running Into Trouble

– Broc Romanek