July 30, 2003
Today is our practical webcast
Today is our practical webcast – “50 Nuggets in 50 Minutes” – which includes a special session with Alan Dye on the recent Section 16 e-filing changes at http://www.greatgovernance.com/programs.html#50nuggets.
We also have posted the August Eminders at http://www.thecorporatecounsel.net/E-minders/ – which includes more notes from last week’s ABA webcast on “reporting up.” We are holding a webcast on August 13th regarding “Designing Reporting-Up and Complaint Procedures” – see http://www.greatgovernance.com/Programs.html#designingprocedures.
Yesterday, the House Financial Services committee released a 1-year anniversary SOX report – see http://financialservices.house.gov/media/pdf/Sarbanes-Oxley%20One%20Year%20Later.pdf.
Yikes, the SEC is moving fast as promised on shareholder access. It has scheduled an open meeting for next Wednesday, August 6th, to consider proposing rules regarding disclosure of nominating committee activities and board/shareholder communications (but note that the proposed SRO corporate governance listing standards have languished for nearly a year, go figure). See http://www.sec.gov/news/digest/dig072903.txt.