December 5, 2023

Director Orientation: A Cheat Sheet

If your director orientation program could use a refresh, this PwC resource is a great quick reference guide on the basics. In two pages, it covers:

– A list of people a new director should meet with as part of the board orientation process, including executives, other directors, and key individuals in various functional areas

– Best practices for board orientation and onboarding, including site visits and assigning a “board buddy”

– Customizing the orientation for the director (for example, a deep dive on the company’s industry may not be necessary for a director with significant industry experience)

– Documents that should be included in any director orientation manual

– Since directed at PwC audit clients, the alert describes PwC’s involvement in the process (but could be applicable to any auditor), including scheduling a meeting between the new director and lead engagement partner and ensuring the director receives relevant publications

Meredith Ervine