Providing practical guidance
since 1975.

April 29, 2022

My Favorite TCC Article: Telling the Story of Marty’s Integration Manifesto

Over the course of this year, I have been taking a walk down memory lane and looking back on 15 years of contributing to CCRcorp publications. Since the beginning of my time with CCRCorp, I have been a contributor to and editor of The Corporate Counsel newsletter, and now I serve as Senior Editor of that publication along with John Jenkins. The Corporate Counsel newsletter is our flagship publication and has been a go-to resource for me for as long as I have been practicing law. I can remember being at the SEC when I first started out and waiting for the latest issue to circulate through people’s inboxes until it reached my desk, and I would read it cover-to-cover to take in all of the great practical guidance. I credit The Corporate Counsel with teaching me many of the practical things about the securities laws that I use in my practice every day. I refer to the online back issues of The Corporate Counsel several times a week – and you should too!

While it is hard to tell because The Corporate Counsel does not have bylines, I have written many of the articles that have been published in The Corporate Counsel over the past 15 years. With so many articles in print, it is difficult to pick just one as a favorite. But if I have to choose, I would say that my article about the integration doctrine in the January-February 2021 issue of The Corporate Counsel was my favorite, because it gave me an opportunity to tell the recent history of the integration doctrine while paying tribute to my late friend and former editor of The Corporate Counsel, Marty Dunn. The article recounts how Marty’s “integration manifesto” shaped the development of the integration doctrine, and how those concepts influenced the SEC’s rulemaking on integration in the 2020 harmonization release. To me, the article does everything I strive for in an article for The Corporate Counsel – it tells a good story, it gives some history and perspective and offers some useful, practical guidance.

I hope that you enjoy the free copy of the January-February 2021 issue of The Corporate Counsel that I have provided in this blog. If you do not have a subscription to the print or online issues of The Corporate Counsel, be sure to email our sales team today at