March 24, 2022

SEC Open Meeting Next Wednesday: SPACs on the Agenda!

Yesterday, the SEC posted a Sunshine Act Notice for an open meeting of the Commissioners to be held next Wednesday, March 30th, which will also include Staff from Corp Fin and the Division of Investment Management. Here’s what’s on the agenda:

The Commission will consider whether to propose amendments regarding special purpose acquisition companies, shell companies, the use of projections in Commission filings and a rule addressing the status of special purpose acquisition companies under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Pedal to the metal, everyone. Let’s recap this week so far, which still has two business days remaining:

– Monday: Landmark climate disclosure proposal
– Tuesday: M&A CDIs
– Wednesday: Reg M re-proposal and scheduling consideration of SPAC amendments

For members, we’ll be keeping our cheat sheet updated – bookmark it to keep up on significant developments. And if anyone at the Commission is reading this, I want to personally thank you – first & foremost, for your hard work on all of these topics, but also, for thoroughly rewarding my procrastination on the blogs this week.

Liz Dunshee