December 29, 2021
Holding Foreign Companies Accountable: Stock Exchanges Court Replacement Listings
Dave blogged earlier this month about the SEC’s final rules under the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act – and last week, about the continued scrutiny of disclosures by China-based companies. Meanwhile, this CNN article reports that China is also planning to make it harder for their local companies to go public in other countries.
According to this Financial Times article, this regulatory intervention could cause US IPOs of China-based companies to drop off a cliff. US exchanges are looking to replace that absence with listings from other Asian countries, and that pipeline is growing.
The article identifies some Singapore- and India-based companies that could debut here – but predicts it will be an uphill battle to land anything on the scale of Chinese giants like Alibaba. As I blogged yesterday, the NYSE wants to offer more complimentary products & services in order to entice companies to list there and succeed.
– Liz Dunshee