October 13, 2021

Proxy Disclosure Conference: Well, Somebody’s Gotta Be Fredo. . .

You may have noticed a conspicuous absence in the list of speakers for this year’s Conference.  Yes, you can look high and low, but you won’t find me anywhere.  When I saw that I didn’t make the cut, my immediate reaction was that – like Fredo Corleone – I had been “stepped over.”  However, when I approached our management team, they assured me that wasn’t the case, and suggested that I should think of myself as Michael Collins, not Fredo Corleone.

Management also assured me that I would have a prominent role in our upcoming webcasts and podcasts. I don’t want to brag, but they went out of their way to tell me that I have the perfect  “face for radio.”  You know, not everybody can say that!  Anyway, everyone was very appreciative of my willingness to hold down the fort here this week while they were busy with the Conference. Liz even gave me her Netflix password so I could watch “Squid Game” while she was gone.

John Jenkins