August 16, 2017
Should Passive Shareholders Not Be Allowed to Vote?
Recently, Liz blogged about an article that indicates that some investors that are considered “passive” may be more on auto-pilot than some would think. Now we have a paper that wants passive funds to be restricted from voting in an effort to preserve the role of informed investors as a force for managerial discipline.
Recently, John blogged about a Rivel Research study that asked institutional investors what they thought of regulatory reform efforts. Now Rivel is conducting a similar study – but this time with companies providing their views. If you participate in this Rivel survey, you get a free copy of the final report…
NYSE Revises Dividend & Stock Distribution Notice Requirements
Here’s the intro from this Cooley blog:
On Monday, the SEC approved a rule change that amended the NYSE Manual to require listed companies to provide notice to the NYSE at least ten minutes before making any public announcement with respect to a dividend or stock distribution, irrespective of the time of day, even when the notice is outside of NYSE trading hours (rather than limited to the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. as in the prior rule). Bring your sleeping bags, NYSE staff: the NYSE indicated that “it intends to have its staff available at all times to review dividend or stock distribution notices immediately upon receipt, regardless of the time or date the notices are received….The Exchange staff will contact a listed company immediately if there is a problem with its notification.”
Transcript: “FCPA Considerations in M&A”
We have posted the transcript for our recent webcast: “FCPA Considerations in M&A.”
– Broc Romanek