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since 1975.

June 23, 2016

Transcript: “Non-GAAP Disclosures: What Is Permissible?”

We have posted the transcript of our popular webcast that almost broke the Internet due to its demand: “Non-GAAP Disclosures: What Is Permissible?”…

SEC Finally Fixes “Insider Transactions” Links

For months, the links to “insider transactions” from a company’s “profile” on the SEC’s Edgar web pages has not been working. We’re happy to report that they are back online – and the tabular format for the insider transactions has been retooled. “Insider transactions” means Section 16 filings.

For example, here is the Edgar profile page for Microsoft. In the blue box at the top, you see these two lines in the bottom left:

Get insider transactions for this issuer.
Get insider transactions for this reporting owner.

Those two “insider transaction” links didn’t work until recently. Thanks to Weil Gotshal’s Howard Dicker for letting us know!

Note: Since I blogged this in the wee hours, a member has told me that the tabular data sometimes is screwed up even in this retooled format. Bummer! So you really need to look online after you file a Form 4 to verify that what’s posted matches your facts. More later…

Broc Romanek