January 12, 2016

Proxy Access: NYC Comptroller Targets 72 Companies

For those that can remember, as noted in this Davis Polk blog, it was the NYC Comptroller’s office who really took the proxy access movement to the next level last year. Now, the Comptroller has issued a new list of 72 companies that have received proxy access shareholder proposals – 36 of them repeats from last year’s list of the 75 that received shareholder proposals…

Webcast: “The Latest Developments – Your Upcoming Proxy Disclosures”

Tune in tomorrow for the webcast – “The Latest Developments: Your Upcoming Proxy Disclosures” – to hear Mark Borges of Compensia, Alan Dye of Hogan Lovells and, Dave Lynn of and Morrison & Foerster and Ron Mueller of Gibson Dunn discuss all the latest guidance about how to overhaul your upcoming disclosures in response to say-on-pay-including the latest SEC positions-and the other compensation components of Dodd-Frank, as well as how to handle the most difficult ongoing issues that many of us face.

Sqoop: How Journalists Might Be Viewing Your SEC Filings

I have no idea if this new service aimed at journalists is taking off – most new services don’t – but I found it interesting. It’s called “Sqoop” (but I have no idea how that is pronounced) – and here’s their description of how it works:

Simply execute a search for a company, executive or interest, and Sqoop will deliver search results that click through to detail pages that are far more useful that those from Edgar. For the Form 4, Sqoop translates the codes and does the math so you don’t need to. On all other forms, we provide filing along with any exhibits in expandable view, all within one page. Not only does this help you more quickly assess the news value, but it’s also a better reader experience than linking to dumb Edgar pages where exhibits are inaccessible.

I have no idea why Sqoop is targeting journalists specifically with this service. It seems like it could be useful to others who consume SEC filings. And of course, for those that draft SEC filings, it’s good to keep track of how your end-product may be consumed…

Broc Romanek