July 18, 2012
Broadridge’s 2012 Proxy Season Stats
Last week, Broadridge released its 2012 proxy season stats, including:
– Average quorum levels were 82.7% as shares voted with shareholders’ instructions partially offset a decline in broker votes
– Over 95% of all of the shares voted through Broadridge were voted electronically through ProxyEdge, ProxyVote.com and automated voice response
– Over 60% of all mailings were either delivered through electronic platforms or consolidated, by specialized processing, into a single delivery or e-delivery for households and managed accounts, a 13% increase over last season
– Mobile voting grew to over 445,000 shareholders, a fourfold increase over last season
You gotta see this photographer’s stuff…hilarious.
STA Study: Proxy Distribution Fees Going Up
As noted in this press release, the Securities Transfer Association released a study last week on proxy fees. This STA study evaluated 33 Broadridge invoices for proxy distribution services from 2010-2012. The STA then applied the proxy fee schedule proposed by the NYSE Proxy Fee Advisory Committee in May to these 33 invoices. The study concludes that this new proxy fee schedule will increase costs for issuers in several fee categories – with cost increases will be more dramatic for small cap and mid cap issuers.
Transcript: “Proxy Season Post-Mortem: The Latest Compensation Disclosures”
We have posted the transcript from the recent CompensationStandards.com webcast: “Proxy Season Post-Mortem: The Latest Compensation Disclosures.”
Deal Cube Tournament: Elite Eight; 1st Match
This is the first match of the 4th round – the battle among the Elite Eight! As noted in these rules (and keep sending more pics for the next tourney), please vote for one of the following two cubes below:
– McDonald’s Fries
– Milwaukee Brewers Beer Tap
– Broc Romanek