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November 1, 2010

Corp Fin’s “Dear CFO” Letter Regarding Foreclosure Exposure, Etc.

On Friday, Corp Fin posted this “Dear CFO” letter sent recently to companies regarding accounting and disclosure issues related to potential risks and costs associated with mortgage and foreclosure-related activities or exposures. The “Dear CFO” letter is a reminder of the related disclosure obligations to consider in upcoming Form 10-Qs, etc. given the foreclosure mess that has dominated headlines of late.

IFRS: SEC Staff Issues First Progress Report

On Friday, as noted in this press release, Corp Fin and the SEC’s Chief Accounting Office jointly released its first progress report on its Work Plan for consideration of incorporation of IFRS into the US financial reporting system. The Staff will continue to issue these progress reports over time.

Our November Eminders is Posted!

We have posted the November issue of our complimentary monthly email newsletter. Sign up today to receive it by simply inputting your email address!

The Rally to Restore Sanity: Sights & Sounds

Here are a few videos from Saturday’s Rally here in DC. The first illustrates the ingenious signs that people created – many were simply inane (this one features a guy in an Abe Lincoln costume with a sign protesting for “No Guns in Theaters”):

This one illustrates how crowded it was. The shot is taken from atop the National Gallery of Art steps – this museum was off to the side and 4 streets down from the stage:

– Broc Romanek