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since 1975.

January 26, 2010

RiskMetrics: On the Auction Block?

Taken public just two years ago, this WSJ article claims that RiskMetrics is considering selling itself. The article notes a few prospective buyers and that the premium may be as high as 30%. Although the company does more than provide proxy advice, it’s interesting timing for a potential sale given the uncertainty over whether say-on-pay and proxy access will be mandated, either of which should give somewhat of a boost to its ISS Division.

Board Diversity Policies: Do You Need One? Samples Available

In reaction to the SEC’s new board diversity disclosure requirement, several members have asked for sample board diversity policies, so we have posted a few in our “Diversity” Practice Area. But in deciding whether you need one, you should consider the input provided yesterday in our “Proxy Season” Blog as well as the commentary made during our recent webcast: “How to Implement the SEC’s New Rules for This Proxy Season.”

Disclosure Controls & Procedures: An In-House Perspective

We have posted the transcript for our recent webcast: “Disclosure Controls & Procedures: An In-House Perspective.”

– Broc Romanek