October 6, 2023

Your Next Form 10-K: Sorting Through the New Requirements

With all the new rules and their associated compliance & effective dates, it is getting difficult to keep track of what will need to change in your next Form 10-K. This memo from Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner is a helpful resource for doing that, with summaries for each of these new 10-K/proxy statement disclosures:

1. Annual cybersecurity disclosures

2. 10b5-1 plan quarterly disclosures

3. Clawback policy and disclosures

4. Share repurchase disclosures

The memo also runs through other “hot topics” that may warrant extra attention as you prepare your reports. And, it looks ahead to additional items that will be required in 2025! Also check out Meredith’s blog from earlier this week on our Proxy Season Blog about potential D&O questionnaire updates (visit our “D&O Questionnaire” Practice Area for our handbook, memos, and samples).

Liz Dunshee