September 11, 2023

NYSE Companies: Confirm Adoption of a Clawback Policy by December 31

We got word last week that NYSE sent an email blast to listed issuers regarding the new clawbacks listing rules. After reminding companies that issuers must adopt a Dodd-Frank clawback policy no later than December 1st, NYSE noted that it is also requiring each listed issuer to confirm via Listing Manager either that it adopted a policy by that date or that it is relying on an applicable exemption. NYSE plans to require such confirmation for initial listing applications as well for companies applying to list their securities on or after October 2nd. The email noted a subsequent communication with more details would be sent in the fourth quarter.

On a related note, at the “Dialogue with the Director” session on Friday at the ABA’s Business Law Section Fall Meeting, Corp Fin Director Erik Gerding was asked who should field interpretive questions regarding Dodd-Frank clawback requirements — the SEC or the stock exchanges. While “both” may not be the answer we wanted to hear, Erik’s suggestion — that interpretive questions first be directed to the relevant stock exchange and then its response be conveyed to the Commission — makes a lot of sense.

– Meredith Ervine