May 30, 2023

SEC Small Business Capital Raising Hub Adds to its Building Blocks

Back in early 2022, I blogged about the efforts of the SEC’s Office of the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation to expand the resources available to small businesses seeking to raise capital, which included a new “Building Blocks” resource page. The Office has recently added several new building blocks to this resource available in the SEC’s Capital Raising Hub, which include summaries focusing on the regulation of broker-dealers, private secondary markets, and what comes next after raising early stage capital.

One of the building blocks that you will definitely want to check out is on the topic of integration, which distills the SEC’s integration framework into a handy one-pager and explains why integration is something that small businesses raising capital need to think about. I have not seen a one-pager about integration since Marty Dunn’s “Integration Manifesto,” which had a key role in shaping today’s integration framework, as I recounted in an article in the January-February 2021 issue of The Corporate Counsel.

– Dave Lynn