November 18, 2022

I Can’t “Let it Be:” The Beatles

A recent speech by SEC Chair Gary Gensler on the Treasury market grabbed my attention because it was titled “The Beatles and the Treasury Market.” Apparently, one of Chair Gensler’s former colleagues at the Treasury Department would wear a different Beatles tie to work every day, and that inspired the SEC Chair to pepper his recent speech to the U.S. Treasury Market Conference with various references to Beatles songs. His recollection about the colleague with the Beatles tie collection reminded me of the very interesting fashion choices that my government colleagues would make at the SEC back in those days long ago when people actually went to work wearing work clothing.

For some reason, Chair Gensler’s speech has prompted me to make a shocking admission in this blog: I am not a big fan of the Beatles. As someone who has spoken about classic rock on this site and at our conferences over many years, I thought that it is finally time to set the record straight that I am not a Beatles fan. This is not to say that I hate the Beatles, because I certainly enjoy hearing their songs from time to time, and I would never imply that the Beatles were not a singularly extraordinary force in the history of rock and roll – it is just that they really do not do anything for me. I hope that Beatles fans out there will forgive me and understand that this is just a statement of my own personal preference – I know that “We Can Work it Out.”

– Dave Lynn