September 28, 2022

The Latest Issue of The Corporate Executive

The latest issue of The Corporate Executive has been sent to the printer (email to subscribe to this essential resource). It’s also available now online to members of who subscribe to the electronic format – an option that many people are taking advantage of in our “new normal” of remote work. The issue includes articles on:

– SEC Adopts Pay Versus Performance Disclosure Requirements

– To the Moon and Back: A Reflection on “Moonshot” Awards

– Delaware Developments: A Focus on Exculpation and Equity Grants

Once you’ve read through the initial “pay versus performance” guidance that this issue provides, make sure to also sign up for our November 10th “special session” – which will take a deeper dive into interpretive questions, practice pointers, big picture impact, and sample disclosures. The special session is available at a reduced rate to members of and attendees of our “Proxy Disclosure & Executive Compensation Conferences” – sign up for these resources now to get the guidance you need and to reserve your seat at this essential event.

Liz Dunshee