March 28, 2022

OASB Director Martha Legg Miller to Depart SEC

Last week, the SEC announced that Martha Legg Miller, the Director of its Office of the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation (OASB), will leave the agency at the end of April. She’s served as the OASB’s Director since it was first established in 2018, and this excerpt from the SEC’s announcement provides some of the highlights of her tenure:

During her tenure, she oversaw the development of novel educational resources to empower entrepreneurs – such as the centralized Capital Raising Hub, Navigator decision tool, Capital Trends Maps, and Cutting through the Jargon glossary. Ms. Miller’s leadership of the Office also helped increase the visibility and accessibility of SEC rulemakings through video summaries, collaboration on policy work across the agency, and engagement in year-round outreach events to elevate the voices of underrepresented entrepreneurs and investors. OASB also launched the SEC’s Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee, piloted digital solutions to increase public participation with the SEC’s annual Small Business Forum, and crafted annual reports to Congress.

The OASB’s current Deputy Director, Sebastian Gomez Abero, will serve as Acting Director after Martha Legg Miller’s departure.

John Jenkins