February 11, 2022

SEC Proposes Changes to Whistleblower Rules (Again)

Also yesterday (and on the heels of our excellent webcast from earlier this week about whistleblower policies & procedures), the SEC announced that it had issued proposed amendments to two whistleblower program rules. From the fact sheet:

The SEC is proposing two amendments to Exchange Act Rules 21F-3 and 6, the rules governing its whistleblower program:

– The first proposed amendment would allow the Commission to make an award for a related action that might otherwise be covered by an alternative whistleblower program even where the alternative whistleblower program has the more direct or relevant connection to the related action in certain circumstances.

– The second proposed amendment would affirm the Commission’s authority to consider the dollar amount of a potential award for the limited purpose of increasing the award amount, but would eliminate the Commission’s authority to consider the dollar amount of a potential award for the purpose of decreasing an award.

As expected (and previously criticized by Commissioner Peirce and former Commissioner Roisman), this proposal revisits whistleblower program rules that were most recently amended in late 2020. So, it’s not surprising that Commissioner Peirce dissented. Chair Gensler issued a supporting statement to say that the amendments will provide reassurance to prospective whistleblowers. We’ll be posting memos in our “Whistleblowers” Practice Area. Comments are due 30 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register or April 11th, whichever is later.

Liz Dunshee