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February 25, 2022

My Favorite Panel: The 2019 Proxy Disclosure Conference

So far this year I have been looking back on 15 years of contributing to CCRcorp publications and reflecting on some of my favorite blogs, podcasts, webcasts, conferences and publications over the years. I have participated in quite a few panels at the annual Executive Compensation Conference and Proxy Disclosure Conference during the last 15 years, so it is difficult to pick just one as my favorite. There were of course the puppet shows in 2015 and 2018, which I talked about in one of the Fond Farewell episodes of the Dave & Marty Radio Show. But I would have to say that my favorite appearance was the last one I did with the late, great Marty Dunn at the 2019 Proxy Disclosure Conference, in a panel called “I Like it Like That.”

This was the last in a series of panels over the years where we basically did a 10 minute comedy routine to give the audience a little break from the proxy disclosure and executive compensation topics. One of our perennial topics for the panel was “What Really Ticks Us Off,” but for the 2019 program we flipped the script and instead covered “What Makes Us Happy.” While we look relaxed up there, I recall that the panel required quite a bit of preparation, from acquiring the Hawaiian shirt and other props to searching around New Orleans for margarita mix. I can remember being backstage blowing up those palm trees and trying to get the parrot to sit on my shoulder, which turned into a wardrobe malfunction when I got on stage. The best part for me now is listening to Marty tell his classic stories and reflecting on what made us happy with what we do, and I am very grateful that we had the opportunity to do this panel before he died.

– Dave Lynn