October 18, 2018
Cross-Border Exemptions: 27 New CDIs Replace & Update Telephone Interps
Earlier this year, Broc blogged about the Staff’s efforts to complete its decade-long project of transitioning from its legacy “Telephone Interpretations” guidance to CDIs. Yesterday, Corp Fin reached another milestone when it issued 27 new CDIs to replace the interps contained in Section II of the July 2001 Supplement dealing with cross-border exemptions. Here’s the inventory:
– 5 CDIs (101.03, 103.01, 104.02, 104.03, & 104.05) reflect substantive changes to the Telephone Interps
– 2 CDIs (100.04 &101.01) reflect technical revisions to the Telephone Interps
– 4 CDIs (100.01, 101.09, 104.04, & 105.01) reflect only non-substantive changes to the Telephone Interps
– The remaining 16 CDIs are newly published interpretations
Tweet Fight! Nell Minow v. Main Street Investors Coalition
Governance guru Nell Minow is not shy about calling things as she sees them – and her cavalcade of Twitter blasts against the NAM-backed “Main Street Investors Coalition” is a good example of that.
Here’s how this has been playing out – every time @MainStInvestors tweets, @NMinow fires back a response. She usually starts by highlighting the organization’s ties to CEOs and raising questions about its funding sources – and sometimes goes on from there. Here’s a recent example. I called this a “tweet fight,” but it’s pretty one-sided at this point. Main Street appears to have decided not to engage with Nell.
Nell also has been using the term “corp-splaining.” One person defined the term as “companies trying to tell people outside of a corner office why they shouldn’t care.”
Tweet Tempest! “Say Shareholder Value Theory is Evil Again – I Dare Ya!”
I spend way too much time on Twitter – which FT Alphaville recently described as a “rage-as-a-service platform.” But since we’re there, this Business Law Prof blog recounts the tempest that pundit Matt Yglesias stirred up when he responded to reports about Google’s decision to build a censored search engine in China by tweeting that, “according to shareholder value theory, if being evil increases the discounted present value of future dividends then Google’s executives are required to be evil.”
The responses started with UCLA’s Stephen Bainbridge inquiring whether Matt was “really that stupid?” & didn’t get a whole lot warmer after that. Enjoy!
– John Jenkins