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since 1975.

July 12, 2018

MD&A: How to Handle a “Highly Inflationary Economy”

Recently, Brink Dickerson of Troutman Sanders informed us that companies with meaningful operations in Argentina need to take note of the recent designation of Argentina as a “highly inflationary economy.” Under ASC #830, this may trigger additional footnote disclosure in the financials (regarding the inflation and the company’s exposure, revenue, costs, and possible impairment triggers relating to Argentina) and could require MD&A and risk factor disclosure as well. See this memo

Whistleblowers: The SEC’s Stats

Here’s an excerpt from this blog by Allen Matkins’ Keith Bishop about the SEC’s recent whistleblower proposal:

The SEC’s release does provide some eye-popping data. As a result of the program, the SEC has received over 22,000 tips and ordered payouts over $266 million. That is a lot of tips and a great deal of money. For some perspective, the SEC’s budget authority for 2018 is $1.652 billion. Thus $266 million is equivalent to about 16% of the SEC’s 2018 budget authority. Here in California, this $266 million represents 8.5 times the amounts appropriated by the California legislature for support of the California Department of Business Oversight’s investment program.

Sights & Sounds: Section 16 Forums

Here’s a one-minute video recapping our recent “Section 16 Forums.” They were very successful – but a lot of work. So we have no plans to hold additional Forums at this time. As a result, our “Section 16 Bootcamp” now consists of the 14 videos we have posted on demand and a copy of the “Section 16 Tales” paperback (described at our recent Forums as the “Section 16 Bible”) at a price of $295. If you know of someone new to Section 16, send them to the “Section 16 Bootcamp” today.

Broc Romanek