Providing practical guidance
since 1975.

March 28, 2014

Cap’n Cashbags: Time to Enhance My Pay Package

In this 20-second video, Cap’n Cashbags – a CEO – just hanging out with his fellow CEO pals who serve on his board’s compensation committee – talks about enhancing his pay package:

How Stock Price Relates to Annual Meetings: Location, Location, Location

Here’s an odd WSJ article – describing a study finding a relationship between stock performance and the location of annual meetings (ie. companies holding their meetings far from home tend to post a 6-month stock performance that trails other companies by anywhere from 3% to nearly 12% and to post weak results in their next quarterly earnings reports). Don’t forget my 80-second video entitled “Annual Shareholder Meetings: Far-Flung Locations? Why?“…

Our “Q&A Forum”: The Big 8000!

In our “Q&A Forum,” we have blown by query #8000 (although the “real” number is much higher since many of the queries have others piggy-backed on them). I know this is patting ourselves on the back, but it’s over 13 years of sharing expert knowledge and is quite a resource. Combined with the Q&A Forums on our other sites, there have been well over 25,000 questions answered.

You are reminded that we welcome your own input into any query you see. And remember there is no need to identify yourself if you are inclined to remain anonymous when you post a reply (or a question). And of course, remember the disclaimer that you need to conduct your own analysis and that any answers don’t contain legal advice.

– Broc Romanek