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since 1975.

January 13, 2014

Now Available: Nasdaq’s Final Compensation Committee Certification

Last week, Nasdaq announced that it has posted the final form of its compensation committee certification on its Listing Center. Anyone can view a blank form in the preview mode – and a Listing Center user can log in to complete the form online on behalf of a company. As I’ve blogged, Nasdaq previously had posted only a preview of the certification form…

Political Spending Disclosure: Congressional Pressure for a SEC Proposal

Recently, I blogged about how the SEC’s Reg Flex Agenda is aspirational and not really a good roadmap for upcoming rulemakings. This was in the context of political spending disclosure being left off the most recent Reg Flex Agenda after being placed upon it the prior year. In my opinion, whether it is on it – or off it – doesn’t really matter.

So just because it is now off it, that doesn’t mean the SEC will ignore the 2011 rulemaking petition that has garnered over 600,000 comments. That number will continue to swell, particularly with online forms like this one facilitating the process. Now a group of 79 members of Congress has written to SEC Chair White asking for a proposal, via this Senate letter and this House letter. Maybe that will start the ball rolling…

More on our “Proxy Season Blog”

We continue to post new items regularly on our “Proxy Season Blog” for members. Members can sign up to get that blog pushed out to them via email whenever there is a new entry by simply inputting their email address on the left side of that blog. Here are some of the latest entries:

– Survey: Audit Committee Disclosures
– Shareholder Proposal: Open Competition for Board’s Voting Recommendations
– Walgreens Argues Proxy Access Shareholder Proposal Should be Excluded
– Shareholder Proposals: This Fall
– 20% Stake in Glass Lewis Sold to Institutional Investment Manager

– by Broc Romanek