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since 1975.

January 30, 2012

Off & Running: 1st Say-on-Pay Failure of the Year

As noted in its Form 8-K, Actuant is the first company holding its annual meeting in 2012 to fail to gain majority support for its say-on-pay with only 46% voting in favor. A list of the Form 8-Ks filed by the “failed” companies is posted in’s “Say-on-Pay” Practice Area.

Thanks to Professor Previts, I have posted a nifty series of pie charts that illustrate the rise of the institutional investor over time in our “Institutional Investors” Practice Area. Interesting stuff…

More on “Federal Court Dismisses Umpqua Say-on-Pay Lawsuit”

Quite a few members emailed me in response to my recent blog in which I reported news from Wachtell Lipton that a federal court had dismissed one of the say-on-pay lawsuits. As noted in this Reuters article, it’s simply a procedural skirmish at this point as the case was dismissed without prejudice. As noted in the article, the plaintiff’s lawyers intend to continue the case.

Transcript: “The ‘Former’ Corp Fin Staff Speaks”

We have posted the transcript for our recent webcast: “The ‘Former’ Corp Fin Staff Speaks.”

– Broc Romanek