July 22, 2011
Happy Anniversary Dodd-Frank!
Happy anniversary Dodd-Frank! For those of us that received job security when Dodd-Frank became law a year ago, today should be a day of celebration (the anniversary was yesterday, but it seems more appropriate to celebrate on a Friday). I’m celebrating by not being too serious in today’s blog. [Here’s a Morrison & Foerster memo; Davis Polk memo; O’Melveny & Myers memo; and a Sullivan & Cromwell memo on “what’s happened” in different areas – how far we’ve come and how much we have to go kind of thing. Certain provisions of Dodd-Frank become effective today and are identified in the memos. SEC Chair Schapiro delivered this anniversary testimony yesterday before the Senate Banking Committee.]
I imagine some of the celebrations would remind us of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine took offense with the large number of office parties. “Get well, get well soon, we wish you to get well!”
Poll: How I Plan to Spend Dodd-Frank’s Anniversary
– Broc Romanek