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June 8, 2011

How is Morale at the SEC? A 2010 Job Satisfaction Survey

Last year, I blogged about the results of a biannual government-wide “Federal Human Capital Survey” as it pertained to the SEC. Now, a new government-wide survey is out – and here is the SEC’s 2010 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. Overall, the SEC did not fare well compared to the other 36 federal agencies included in the survey – coming in 35th on Job Satisfaction; 33rd on Talent Management; 33rd on Results-Oriented Performance Culture and 26th on Leadership & Knowledge Management.

There are a lot of interesting items in this new Survey – enough to dribble out blogs for weeks – but I take it all with a grain of salt. Case in point: in the “Private Sector Comparison” on page 16, 86% of the respondents in the private sector replied that they like the work they do. That’s certainly not the case when I talk to people. Talk someone out of going to law school today!

Webcast: “Yes, It’s Time to Update Your Insider Trading Policy”

Tune in tomorrow for the webcast – “Yes, It’s Time to Update Your Insider Trading Policy” – to hear Alan Dye of Hogan Lovells and, Sean Dempsey of Sealed Air, Keith Higgins of Ropes & Gray, Isobel Jones of Del Monte Foods and Dave Lynn of and Morrison & Foerster provide practical guidance on revisiting your insider trading policy, as well as your insider trading training program for officers, employees and directors.

Trading Blackouts: Not Taken Seriously in Australia?

I recently received this from a member:

I pass this item on just for its “that’s unbelievable” factor. The Australian government has asked a private sector advisory group to look into assorted matters that they think detract from the integrity of their market. One item is director trading during black-out periods. See Section 2.4 of this report, which indicates that there is a lot of trading by directors during blackout periods in that country, some approved by the CEO and some not – directors just ignoring the blackout period. Can you imagine that happening in the US? Just hang out a sign that says “Sue me, please.”

– Broc Romanek