July 28, 2008

Summer Issue of

We just put the finishing touches on the Summer issue of our new newsletter, This newsletter is complimentary, as well as all the issues for the remainder of ’08. You simply sign-up online to gain free access to it (and be notified when the next issue is available).

Here are the articles from the Summer ‘08 issue:

– Non-Deal Roadshows: Latest Developments and Trends
– Lessons Learned: How Funds Vote on Proxy Proposals
– Hedge Fund Attacks: Eight Lessons Learned from the In-House Perspective
– How Blogging Can Enhance Your Investor Relationships (and Your Career)
– My Ten Cents: The SEC’s Coming Guidance on IR Web Pages
– SEC Staff Says “No” to Non-GAAP Financial Statements

Earning Trust: The Mantra of Bloggers

At the NIRI Annual Conference last month, one of the panels I served on was “Is Your Company or IR Dept Ready for a Blog? Innovative Communication Methods for the 21st Century.” In describing why I think blogging is important for IROs, I discussed how effective a vehicle a blog can be to get people to trust you – if you do it right – because they can get a window into who you are. This allows IROs to get outside the staid press release environment that they typically live in to show their constituents – investors, analysts, employees and potential investors – that they can be trusted. And “trust” is the name of the game in investing (and also in life, but that is a different story.)

For the Summer issue of – the one noted above – I wrote a piece that persuasively argues why you should blog – and three considersations to determine if you have an inner blogger in you. The article will be relevant for lawyers as well as IROs. You can get this article for free if you provide us with your contact information.

More on Investor Relations and Blogs

Recently, I did a podcast with Lynn Tyson of Dell about the “DellShares” blog. Rob Williams, one of Lynn’s co-bloggers, was on the panel mentioned above and was great. Learn what transpired during the panel from several others who covered some of our roundtabling in these blogs:

– John Palizza’s blog

– Monika Maeckle’s blog

– Ryan Lejbak’s blog (and here is a follow-up video with IRO blogger Rob Williams from Dell)

By the way, Ryan also uploaded this interview with me on YouTube if you want to see what I really look like. It’s pretty daunting to have a camera stuck in your face. I enjoyed doing the same thing to others during the Society’s Annual Conference

– Broc Romanek