August 28, 2007

The Executive Compensation Comment Letters: Analysis & Guidance

Last week, the SEC Staff began sending the first wave of comment letters on proxy statements, as part of Phase One of its compensation disclosure review project. We thank the many of you that sent your comment letters to us on a confidential basis. We have read all of them and have been busy putting pen to paper.

You will not want to miss the upcoming Sept-Oct issue of The Corporate Executive. In this issue, we will be providing important analysis and guidance regarding the SEC’s comments and concerns – in other words, specific guidance about how to respond and what types of changes most companies will need to make to their disclosures. This critical issue will be mailed right after Labor Day.

Act Now: If you are not currently a subscriber to The Corporate Executive, just take advantage of the no-risk trial—which will enable you to receive the balance of this year’s issues at no charge as part of the 2008 no-risk trial. You may also now renew your subscription to The Corporate Executive for 2008.

Introducing the “New” Herb Scholl

In Corp Fin, Patti Dennis is taking over Herb Scholl’s old job as Chief of the Office of Disclosure Support (formerly known as the “Office of EDGAR and Information Analysis”). Patti had been serving as one of the Special Counsels in Corp Fin’s Office of Enforcement Liaison.

Wanna New Client? Take Your Law Firm Public

Bruce MacEwen’s “Adam Smith” Blog contains an interview with the Managing Partner of Australia’s Slater & Gordon, the first law firm to do an IPO.

[Fyi, if you are interested in lawyers that blog, this annual free BlawgWorld guide contains representative samples from 77 leading law-related blogs, including yours truly.]

– Broc Romanek