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March 24, 2006

New Items for Upcoming 10-Qs

Thanks to Stephen Quinlivan and Jill Radloff for this memo that lists the areas that you should bear in mind as you are preparing your upcoming Form 10-Q. I have posted the memo in our “Form 10-Q” Practice Area.

Understanding the Sell Side

If you need a laugh, check out this hilarious voicemail from a sell side research analyst. [Did I mention that I teach a class at George Mason, the Cinderella darlings of the tournament! Not that I picked them to even beat Michigan State. Go Patriots!]

US Litigation Overseas: Impact of the UK’s Company Law Reform Bill

The UK’s Company Law Reform Bill is a hot topic with the securities bar in England, specifically whether the Bill’s proposed reforms should be considered as a step towards the import of US-style securities litigation into the UK. In this article, which looks at the Bill from an American point of view, Werner Kranenburg – a London law student with a flair for writing – argues that the US securities bar needn’t be too interested in this Bill and seek to relocate to England soon, as the Bill’s reforms fall well short in providing a system that encourages and effectively facilitates shareholder representation.

Werner argues that, likewise, the Bill’s influence in the US should be neglible, citing four recent actions against three UK corporate defendants to highlight the differences of the existing approaches to private civil actions in the UK and US.