September 20, 2004

Funky New 8-Ks For those

For those of you tracking the crop of 8-Ks filed since the new rules took effect last month, my vote for the most bizarre (and immaterial) goes to Energas Resources. Is there such a thing as a non-8-K? If so, this would be one. Please email me if you find other interesting 8-Ks.

Last call for you to submit questions so that I can present them to our expert webcast panel this Thursday regarding “Reality Bites: More on the New 8-K Rules.” Not surprisingly, I already have received hundreds of questions (many are duplicative; some are not) and we will do our best to address as many as we can.

My email address is (or click on “Contact Broc” on the left side of this blog).

Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on Non-Profits

Some practitioners are surprised to learn that certain provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley apply to all companies, including non-profits. Of course, most SOX provisions don’t apply to non-profits – but non-profits increasingly are taking steps to voluntarily comply with more provisions.

In my interview with John Corrigan on the Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on Non-Profits , John provides specific examples of non-profits that voluntarily have taken steps to comply with various aspects of Sarbanes-Oxley.