July 14, 2004
Our “Berlin-Bremen Exchange” Practice Area
I still continue to receive quite a bit of correspondence on the issue of delisting from the Berlin-Bremen Exchange. So we have created a “Berlin-Bremen Exchange” Practice Area, that includes two sample delisting responses from the exchange that explains the Exchange’s side of the story (including an explanation of why they believe there is no such thing as “delisting” for them).
Marching Towards a Paperless World
On Monday, the SEC announced that it has approved a rule change of the NYSE that eliminates the requirement for listed companies to make a paper filing of any Form 8-K or Form 6-K (but only if the Form 6-K was electronically submitted to the SEC via EDGAR). Listed companies are still required to continue to provide hard copies of materials to support a listing application as well as copies of proxy materials. This rule change is effective as of July 8th.
Cost of Deferred Compensation
On CompensationStandardsConference.com,we have posted an excellent practice point by Yale Tauber and Donald Levy on how to best understand the “Cost of Deferred Compensation.”