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April 21, 2004

Alan Dye’s New Blog!

I’m excited to report that Alan Dye has started blogging on regarding Section 16 matters in “Alan Dye’s Blog.” With larger and larger Section 16 lawsuits making their way through the courts – including one seeking over $600 million – this blog should quickly become a morning ritual for Alan’s many fans.

Don’t Forget to Obtain New EDGAR Passphrases Starting Monday

Reminder that beginning Monday April 26th, the SEC will start requiring companies to obtain a new passphrase before they can make any filings on a newly updated EDGAR. Here is information from the SEC on how to create a passphrase. For more information, see Alan Dye’s blog from Tuesday.

Note that the Romeo & Dye Section 16 Filer has been updated for EDGAR’s new changes – but users of this Filer will not be able to use the Filing Wizard until they create a passphrase. For more information about updated EDGAR, see yesterday’s SEC Digest.

PCAOB Names Its Advisory Board

The PCAOB has established its 30-member advisory board, which includes 3 lawyers that represent companies (one of whom is a former SEC Commissioner). It is intended that this board will provide input into the PCAOB’s standard-setting.

Who is the Most Frequently Noted Governance Pundit?

Someone once did a Nexis search to ascertain who is the most popular source of quotes on governance for the mainstream media. Far and away, the top three – in this order – were Professor Charles Elson, Nell Minow and Pat McGurn. Not that I am in their league, but I was delighted to be quoted in this recent CNN Money article regarding Grasso’s pay along with Nell and Pat. Gotta toot my horn once in a while…