March 16, 2004

The Mad 10-K Rush is

As many of us know, yesterday was the deadline for calendar-year, accelerated filer companies to file their 10-Ks. This year’s deadline is 75 days after the company’s fiscal year end. So far it doesn’t look like the tightened deadline has been problematic for most companies as only about 50 companies have filed a Form 12b-25 (although the deadline for filing those is not until the end of today) and quite a few companies filed their 10-Ks well before yesterday’s drop-dead date.

Those of us that have been around for more than a decade might fondly recall the days before EDGAR when lines of Federal Express trucks stretched a few blocks in front of the SEC’s HQ – as many companies waited until the last day to ship their 10-Ks to the SEC’s Filing Desk. Dem were da days…

Impact of Forensic Accounting on Fraud Investigations

We have posted Part II of my interview with Howard Silverstone and Mike Sheetz on the Impact of Forensic Accounting on Fraud Investigations.

Updated International Corp Fin Guidance

For the first time in several years, the SEC staff has updated its “International Reporting and Disclosure Issues In the Division of Corporation Finance” on the SEC website. We will be updating our “SEC Staff Guidance” Portal accordingly.