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Inside Track with Broc: Kris Veaco on Security of Board Communications (3/2/10)


Kris Veaco

Kris Veaco is President of the Veaco Group

In this podcast, Kris runs down some frequently-asked questions about how to keep board communication secure, including:

  • For hard-copy board materials, what methods of delivery are used and are considered "secure" (i.e., Fedex, courier service, etc.)? Should a signature be required for home deliveries?
  • Regarding electronic delivery of board materials, what are the security risks of using regular e-mail, and what are some more secure electronic delivery alternatives (i.e., board portals, e-mail encryption, encrypted CDs or flash drives, etc.)?
  • For board/committee teleconferences, how do you ensure a teleconference system is secure?
  • Should a board have an informal policy about directors e-mailing each other and with management?

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The views set forth in the podcast are Kris's personal views and do not necessarily reflect those of the firm with which she is associated.